Creating this book for me was such a big accomplishment for many reasons. Since I started it back in 2020 and published the eBook in January of 2021 I have watched myself grow and form a love for me I never had or was taught to have. See it’s okay to go through trauma, to struggle mentally and physically sometimes but you have to love YOU everyday despite those bad things and days. At the end of the day you are amazing flaws & all, tears and pain. You’ll always be worth loving. I’ve learned over the years that if I don’t know how to properly love myself how can I expect anyone else to whether it’s friends, family or significant other. Fill your glass before you try to fill someone else’s or expect someone else to fill yours. Take care of and love yourself and everything else will surely start to fall in place. Be patient with yourself. Be kind to yourself and most of all SHOW YOURSELF SOME COMPASSION daily. As always I love you guys. Stay tuned on this journey of love & growth while enduring the trauma and pain. I WILL OVERCOME IT. Don’t forget to grab your copy from my personal link to get a signed copy && a free gift. It can also be found on Amazon.

Get your signed copy && free gift. You won’t be disappointed but very encouraged and appreciated. It’s the “month of LOVE” What better love than SELF LOVE. Get it for you, your mother, sister, daughter, auntie, grandma and friends. Choose to be intentional for the next 30 days. 🥰

Shop now 🙂 https://uniquebyshaquana.etsy.com/listing/1669156671

Self-love Workbook created by me 😀

The Story Behind the Painting

Story Behind the Poem

I remember making this painting and immediately after my mind kept repeating “the story behind this painting” and my heart felt like a poem was needed to explain the depth of it. I was struggling through the grief of my daughter’s dad’s death and not knowing how to be there for her without smothering her was really bothering me. Making this painting and writing this poem brought me so much comfort.


The Story Behind the Poem

Can you relate to feelings of sadness, grief, frustration, pain and anger? Is there anything you do to help yourself work through these feelings? Please feel free to share in the comment section.

Fatherless Child 💔💪🏾

A Poem

The words of a single mother trapped in the thoughts of her children’s feelings of being fatherless. It’s not easy doing it alone. Sometimes I don’t have all the answers to their wildest questions. I don’t know how to answer the “where he at? Why he don’t call?” Questions anymore. How do you explain to your kids its not their fault their sperm donor missed out on the biggest reward in life. I love writing when I’m emotional because when you read it you can see my attitude change and the poem becomes uplifting & Encouraging. My poems never end on a bad note. Being a single parent gives you strength, double the love & you get to give double the love. 😍😍 #momlife #bloglife #bosslife #poetryistherapy


Have you ever had a story to share,

But you’ve been silenced?

You feel as if you’re shouting,

Yet itsi coming out as faint whispers.

No one wants to listen.

Have you ever been beaten,

But no one would listen?

Cried out for help,

But they think you’re crazy.

Nah, what’s crazy is constantly being

abused and raped, but no one wants

to listen.

The woman is blamed for looking too

pretty, having too little clothes.

The woman is blamed for “his” aggression.

She’s told SHUT-UP!

Dont fight!


Give up!

See me, I can’t be silenced.

My story is too big.

&& I have kids.

It’s getting to the point,

this pain I can’t bare.

And so far this fight isn’t fair 😭

How do you see the light when the

sunshine is no longer bright.

You’re tired of this game .

Game of Life or death.

But I won’t die.

Im going to cut the tie that’s

snug all over my body,

So that I can get up and fly.

With every soar, my story I

will pour.

A little here.

A little there, because Shaquana will

NOT shut up or give up.

The fight is mine.

And I’m sure to win it in due time. 😊

Written by: your’s truly Alaze’ThePoet